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Addiction & Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Connecticut

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DBT Therapy for Detox, Alcohol & Drug Rehab Queens

Addiction Treatment in Connecticut

Home to everything from higher education like Yale University to 51 miles of unspoiled Appalachian Trail and quintessentially small New England towns, there is an incredibly diverse set of features that make living in Connecticut appealing.

30% of the US population, employment opportunities, and businesses are located within 500 miles of Connecticut. Its centralized location offers a myriad of options for finding addiction treatment and support.

People looking for addiction care in Connecticut have easy access to treatment in-state but also in the Boston and New York metropolitan areas. With the right tools and resources, you can find help that meets your needs.

Types of Addiction Treatment in Connecticut

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
High On Drugs Is More Dangerous Than You May Have Thought

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a talking therapy that helps people identify negative thought patterns and behavior and exchange them for more objective, realistic ones. The emphasis is on identifying and facilitating a behavior change.

CBT focuses less on the past (“why”) and more on the present (“how” or “what”). This approach brings the person into the shared present moment with the therapist and helps the person learn stronger coping skills and healthier habits.

This type of therapy is associated with rapid action and results. Some of these results include less stress, more positive thoughts, and working more productively.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
CT Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) for Substance Abuse Counseling

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

DBT is a talking therapy that helps guide clients towards a non-judgmental self-acceptance. Some people get trapped in a negative feedback cycle, where negative thoughts of themselves compound, piling higher and higher until they are trapped by their own self-loathing.

This is particularly strong in people with co-occurring mental and substance-use disorders, who feel strong shame as a result of their disorders. The goal of DBT is uncritical self-acceptance. You learn the tools to self-manage your own emotions and practice neutral or positive awareness.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
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Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR is a therapy that retrains a person’s brain to process traumatic memories. When the brain experiences a traumatic event, it re-lives that memory in the form of symptoms like stress, anxiety, or depression.

A neural pathway is created by accessing the memory, and the brain will revert to whatever thought patterns or behaviors accompany it. EMDR uses visuals, sound, vibrations, or some other stimuli as the person is reprocessing their memory to create new, desired responses rather than the response born out of the original event.

While it is a relatively new therapy, it’s been thoroughly researched, widely respected, and seen much success in treating people with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Experiential Therapy
counseling session at Detox Queens

Experiential Therapy

Experiential Therapy is an interactive therapy that involves movement, touch, sound, or visual stimulation in an activity of a person’s choosing. Rather than one single activity comprising the whole of experiential therapy, “experiential therapy” is a broad genre in which different types of therapy fall, like equine therapy, adventure therapy, art therapy, and animal therapy.

The goal is to help you disconnect from negative associations with your past under the guidance of a skilled provider.

Family Therapy
Ascendant New York Family Therapy & Rehab Near Me

Family Therapy

Family therapy takes a holistic perspective on addiction recovery by considering the effect of any pre-existing family dynamics on the client.

Entrenched familial behaviors such as poor conflict resolution, bad communication styles, unhealthy coping mechanisms, abuse, and unaddressed trauma can all be explored in a safe environment where the therapist assures that self-expression is guaranteed for each family member.

The goal is to restore the family to a healthier level of functioning to avoid relapse triggers in the family member suffering from addiction.

Internal Family System (IFS)
Group Session for Gabapentin Addiction

Internal Family System (IFS)

Unlike the name suggests, IFS does not involve outside family members such as spouses, siblings, parents, or children. Rather, IFS is an explorative talking therapy that involves exploring and accepting a person’s many “selves.”

Different from multiple personality disorder, which involves distinct modes of consciousness, these many selves are different aspects of our singular personality, such as the “inner child” or “rebel at heart.” The goal of IFS therapy is to move you towards uncritical acceptance of all parts of yourself and to understand each part’s needs and fears.

Motivational Interviewing
Bronx Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center Near me

Motivational Interviewing

Motivational interviewing is a talking therapy effective for people who know they need to change their behavior but struggle to find the willpower to do so. Often, the result of behavioral ambivalence in people is a conflict in unrecognized desires.

The desire to get better might exist, but the desire to keep experiencing the positive effects of addiction might be mitigating it. The goal of motivational interviewing is for you to take ownership of your life and start making concrete steps toward your desired healthy behavior.

Best Substance Abuse Psychodrama Therapy in New York


Psychodrama is a role-playing, live-action therapy that helps people process difficult memories or emotions. For people who have difficulty expressing their emotions, psychodrama can help them move from discussing issues into embodied action.

Always performed in a group setting, participants will role-play designated characters in the stories of others, as well as being the protagonist in their own story. The goal is to gain insight into your own experiences as you support the experiences of others.

How to Choose a Rehab Center in Connecticut

There are several factors to consider when choosing a rehab center:

  • Credentials

    Has the rehabilitation center been accredited by an organization like CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities)? Properly credentialed rehabilitation organizations adhere to high, continuously improving standards of care for the best patient outcomes possible.

  • Staff Specializations

    Do the doctors and nurses specialize in treating your addiction? Do they have experience helping people like you recover?

  • Program Options

    What different levels of programmatic support does the facility offer? Do they offer detox, residential, and intensive outpatient services? Is the level of care commensurate with your needs?

  • Treatment Options

    What kinds of therapy do they offer? Do they offer therapies like CBT, DBT, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, experiential therapy, family therapy, internal family system, motivational interviewing, or psychodrama therapy? Can you adequately express yourself in the modalities they offer?

  • Location

    Is the desired facility close to where you would like to live? Would living close to family during recovery be a strength, or do you need to go away to escape unhealthy dynamics and foster new habits? Do you want to retreat to the countryside or stay in a familiar urban setting?

  • Cost

    Is the care affordable? Does the facility accept your insurance?

Sober Living Houses in Connecticut

Sober living houses (aka halfway houses) are conceptually located midway between a live-in support group and a person’s natural home environment. It blends functional peer support with your everyday life.

Everyone living in a sober living home is on their own recovery journey and can offer each other both emotional and practical addiction recovery support. Sober living houses are usually privately funded and expect residents to pay rent and participate in weekly meetings and house chores. There is both accountability and structure in the system. There is no limit on how long residents can stay.

There are generally no staff members in the house, but rather, residents assume such roles on their own.

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DBT Therapy for Detox, Alcohol & Drug Rehab Bronx
Ascendant Long Island Family Therapy & Rehab Near Me

Emergency Services for Addiction in Connecticut

Logo for Connecticut Action Line

Connecticut ACTION Line

(800) 467-3135 or 211

Open 24/7

UCC building

The Village Urgent Crisis Center

1680 Albany Avenue, Hartford, CT 06105

(860) 297-0520

Open Mon-Fri, 7 am-11 pm

Yale NewHaven Health Hospital logo

Yale New Haven Health Crisis Intervention Unit

20 York Street, New Haven, CT 06510

(203) 688-4242

Open 24/7

Logo for Connecticut ACCESS Line featuring

Connecticut ACCESS Line

(800) 563-4086

Open 24/7

Community Resources for Mental Health & Addiction

Community Resources for Mental Health & Addiction

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Alcoholics Anonymous

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Narcotics Anonymous

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Narcan Classes and Overdose Prevention Training

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Alcohol Rehab EMDR Therapy in New York

Local Stats You Need to Know

There were 1452 unintentional overdose deaths in Connecticut in 2022.[1] Of those overdose deaths, 92% involved an opioid, with fentanyl being the cause of 86% of all opioid deaths. Unintentional deaths related to overdosing increased by 306% in the decade from 2012 to 2022. In Connecticut, you are more likely to fatally overdose than die in a traffic accident. From February 1 to February 13, 2023, approximately 31.7% of Connecticut residents reported experiencing anxiety or depression.[2]

Help for Addiction in Connecticut

If you are in Connecticut and are struggling with an addiction, seek professional help immediately. There are compassionate addiction specialists nearby who have the expertise needed to get you on the trajectory toward recovery. Your treatment team will create an individualized treatment plan considering your history, current needs, and desired lifestyle.

One such treatment center is Ascendant NY. They are an exclusive, upscale alcohol and drug rehab center in Midtown, New York City. They offer luxurious, discrete rehabilitation that promotes health and health for lasting recovery.

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Sober Activities in Connecticut

Queens Medically Monitored Detox and Alcohol & Drug Rehab

Sober Activities in Connecticut

  • Hike 51 miles (or less) of the Appalachian Trail: Stretching from Georgia to Maine, this nearly 2200-mile behemoth trail takes 5 to 7 months to thru-hike. Fifty-one miles of it runs through unspoiled Connecticut backcountry.
  • Indulge your inner “nutmegger” and sip some hot apple cider in the autumn months: No nutmeg trees actually grow in Connecticut, but the unofficial state name might be at least partly responsible for why warm drinks taste so good in the winter.
  • Spot the world’s last whaling ship at the Mystic Seaport Museum: The Charles W. Morgan was launched in 1841 and has since racked up 38 different whaling trips to its name. It’s truly the end of a significant era in America’s maritime history.
  • Take an enchanted walk through Yale University: Hundreds of years of architecture are on display on Yale’s New Haven campus.
Psychodrama Therapy at Queens Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center

Paying for Treatment in Connecticut

Connecticut rehab centers have a variety of addiction treatment payment options. Affordable care commensurate with your desired lifestyle is a reasonable expectation that you can hold any rehab center.

Verify with your desired facility to see if they accept your insurance. Some popular insurance providers are United Healthcare, Optum, Aetna, Cigna, and Blue Cross/Blue Shield.

Some facilities have payment plans to help defer costs.

Frequently Asked Questions About Attending Rehab in Connecticut

How Much Does Rehab Cost in Connecticut?

Rehab costs depend on various factors, including the intensity of supportive care, length of stay, desired lifestyle, and insurance coverage, just to name a few.

Cost should not be a determinative criterion in whether or not one pursues treatment, but rather what treatment option works best for them. According to available data, the average statewide cost for substance use rehabilitation in Connecticut was $57,667 in 2022.[3] This includes taxpayer subsidies, premiums, and out-of-pocket expenses.

What is the Marchman Act?

It is a legal process wherein people with a substance use disorder who present an immediate danger to themselves and others can be involuntarily committed to detoxification.

What is the Baker Act?

It is a legal process wherein people with a mental disorder who present an immediate danger to themselves and others can be involuntarily committed to psychiatric care.


[1] Unintentional drug overdose deaths in Connecticut: A fact sheet – 2021. (n.d.).

[2] Mental health and substance use in Connecticut. KFF. (2023, March 20).

[3] Average cost of drug rehab [2023]. NCDAS. (2023, January 1).