Addiction | 8 min read

Alcohol Help. Overcoming Alcohol Addiction

Medically Reviewed

Medically Reviewed By

Dr. Po-Chang Hsu

Dr. Po-Chang Hsu

On August 31, 2022

Written By

Amanda Stevens

Amanda Stevens, B.S.

On September 29, 2019

Help Overcoming Alcohol Addiction
Reading Time: 8 minutes

What Is Alcohol Addiction

Most Americans have developed the habit of winding down their day with a glass of wine or beer. How much beer or wine is too much for an individual? How can you know if you have exceeded the recommended level of alcohol consumption?

Recommended drinking habit involves taking not more than two drinks for a man and not more than one drink for a woman. One glass contains twelve ounces of alcohol for beer and five ounces of alcohol for wine. If one exceeds these recommended levels, they might quickly find themselves in alcohol addiction.

Alcohol addiction, which is sometimes referred to as alcoholism, is a chronic disease that affects so many people around the world. Although experts have tried to discover the factors that cause alcoholism, there is no single cause they can pinpoint. Behavioral, genetic, and psychological factors contribute highly to alcohol addiction.

Everyone must recognize the threat alcohol addiction poses to society. It is a chronic disease that can cause changes to the neurochemistry and brain. The result of too much alcohol is that you are denied full control over your actions.

Alcoholism manifests itself in different ways depending on the amount of alcohol someone consumes, the severity of the addiction, and the interval that one drinks.

Some drink all the time, and some binge drink and stay sober for some time. A person can be considered an addict if they rely heavily on alcohol and can’t do without it.

Signs of an Alcohol Problem

It is not easy to recognize alcohol addiction. Unlike heroin, bang, and cocaine, alcohol is legal and readily available in most cultures. Most of the time, it is associated with social enjoyment and celebrations.

Alcohol has formed a part of life for some people. However, when something is familiar and widely accepted in society, it becomes difficult to tell those with a problem and those without.

However, the Common Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction Include:

  • Increased frequency and quantity of alcohol use
  • Engaging in drinking at odd times such as in church, at work, or early in the morning
  • Avoiding situations where there is no alcohol and always being present where there is wine or alcohol
  • Picking friends who engage in drinking
  • Avoiding any form of contact with loved ones
  • Hiding while drinking or hiding alcohol
  • Depending on alcohol to function properly
  • Increased depression, emotional issues, and lethargy
  • Professional or legal problems such as loss of job or arrest by the police

It would be best to look for early signs when addiction worsens. If a dependency is treated earlier, it is possible to avoid any significant consequences of severe disease.

However, you must support your family or close friends suffering from alcohol addiction. The best approach would be to avoid making them feel guilty about their drinking habits, which could push them away.

What Are the Treatments for Alcohol Disorder?

You can fully recover from alcohol addiction. However, for any treatment to be successful, the person under treatment must be willing to get sober and fight the addiction. It is hard to pressure someone into stopping a habit.

With commitment and dedication, a person can easily quit any form of addiction. Since the process involves daily care, many people say that addiction is hard to cure. However, there are many ways to cure addiction, as listed below.

1. Detoxification

The best treatment option for a person with alcohol addiction is taking them to an inpatient or outpatient detoxification program. A complete inpatient program can choose between a month and one year.

Detoxing at a certified medical facility enables one to manage emotional challenges and withdrawal symptoms. However, outpatient programs provide daily support while the person under treatment is at home.

2. Alcoholic Anonymous

Most struggling with alcohol addiction are advised to try out alcoholic anonymous programs. Other supports, such as sober recovery and SMART recovery, can help someone recover appropriately.

To get sober completely, it is advisable to get into at least one recovery program. In recovery programs, people share relatable experiences and natural healthy relationships. In addition, sober communities offer an addict a place to turn to in case of a relapse.

3. Other options

There are also other treatment options, such as counseling, nutritional changes, and drug therapy. Some people may receive prescription drugs from a doctor that might accelerate recovery.

An excellent example of a drug is an antidepressant used for someone self-medicating to reduce depression. Therapy is vital as it teaches someone to prevent relapse and manage stress.

A healthy and balanced diet can also help a person to recover well. A successful recovery might involve a combination of several methods.

a. Start With Your Doctor

No one can best understand your addiction recovery other than your doctor. All you need is to put in the best effort to find the best doctor. For instance, there are over 5,000 certified addiction medical doctors in the United States.

It would help if you found a doctor who can evaluate and treat you with the care you deserve. There are two types of addiction doctors: addiction psychiatrists and medical physicians.

Both of them can carry out independent assessments and treatment plans. They can also prescribe you the best medication to manage addiction disorders.

Addiction medicine physicians specialize in providing primary care. They can administer a complete medical exam for any health-related issues. They also offer counsel to motivate addicts and make them feel the love needed for recovery.

Addiction psychiatrists are, however, mental health experts. They are well trained to care for patients with multiple mental issues. It is upon you to figure out what you want and approach the best doctor.

Your Doctor May Say You Have an Addiction Disorder If:

  • You feel you have to drink all the time
  • Have no control over how much and when to drink
  • Feel out of place when you don’t drink

Every time you meet your doctor, you need to talk about your recovery goals so that they figure out the best approach to assist you. Talk about your desire to quit drinking or start drinking less.

You can devise a favorable treatment plan with your doctor, who can also take this chance to refer you to a better expert or treatment center.

Treatment Options

The treatment that is best for you depends on your goals and situations. Some find a combination of several treatment options works best for them. A program is the best way to get a combination of treatment options.

There are residential and inpatient programs. For inpatient treatment, you stay for some time at a treatment center. Outpatient programs allow you to stay at home but go for treatment at any treatment center.

Tips for Selecting a Treatment Option

Many have faced the challenge of identifying the best alcohol and drug detoxification facility. However, there is still a problem in choosing the best treatment option. Most alcohol addicts have been trying to get help from addiction, but all in vain.

Recovering alcoholic women cheering women open arms at sunset mountain top cliff edge

Getting the best attention and mental care is the best treatment service such people can understand. How can you identify the best treatment facility and treatment option from many options?

There are many treatment centers in the United States offering different treatment options. You would want to engage a treatment facility that gives you different options for treating your addiction thoroughly.

Some of the Things You Should Look for When Choosing a Treatment Center Include:

  • The treatment facility should offer both outpatient and inpatient options
  • The facility should have a 12-step program
  • Access to the best alcohol detox center
  • Should have support groups to give you the moral support you need
  • A follow-up care program to monitor your recovery progress
  • Well-trained and experienced therapists

If you get a treatment center with these qualities near you, there is no argument that you’ll have settled on a good care program. Moreover, your recovery process will be smooth and under the supervision of trained personnel.

Some people don’t approach treatment facilities because they are unsure if their needs will be fulfilled at the available centers. However, what they don’t know is that most addiction treatment facilities have tailored their treatment options to meet the needs of every addict.

Addiction facilities have treatment plans that meet your goal. You should, however, understand that outpatient treatment can yield the same result as inpatient treatment. Get the flexible treatment option, and you can fight your addiction entirely.

Most treatment facilities in the United States have put the right procedures in place to answer every question you need for your treatment. In addition to addiction treatment, these facilities have professionals that can help you verify your insurance benefits.

How Ascendant New York Drug Detox Center Can Help

Ascendant New York is an alcohol and drug detox center located in the heart of Manhattan dedicated to ensuring you lead a life free of drugs. After contacting us, a professional will be in contact to enquire about your condition.

We work collaboratively to ensure that you have an individualized treatment plan. Your diagnosis for any alcohol disorder might range from mild to severe. The type of care you receive depends on the level of addiction.

Most with addiction problems have withdrawal symptoms when they try to quit alcohol. Withdrawal effects can be very damaging and dangerous to the body and mind. This is where we come in by offering professional help.

If you or a loved one are an alcoholic or a drug addict that regularly uses substances for your body to function well, then you need help. Getting through detox without obtaining the required medical help from a specialist is not recommended.

Even though withdrawal can put you at risk, you should continue your treatment. A treatment program is meant to guide you through every step of recovery. It includes the medication required to reduce addiction symptoms and improve mental conditions.

What is Alcohol Detoxification

Alcohol detoxification is the first step to treating people who are addicted to alcohol. It is common knowledge that just about 5-10 hours after an alcohol addict tries to stop drinking, they will start to experience withdrawal symptoms. This is due to the large concentration of alcohol in the blood system.

Withdrawal Symptoms May Be Difficult to Handle for Some People as They Come in the Form Of:

  • Severe depression
  • Anxiety
  • The shakiness of body parts, especially hands
  • Unstable heart rate and changes in blood pressure
  • Sleeping problems
  • Hallucinations
  • Delirium tremens, which might make you confused, restless and upset

How a Detox Program Works

A Detox Program Usually Involves the Following:

  • You will have an intake exam so the team can identify your level of need. You may talk about your drinking history and health status, get blood work, and have mental and physical tests.
  • You receive Detox support which includes care and medicine for withdrawal symptoms. The goal of any detox support is to help your psychological and physical state get stable. During the program, your breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate are checked regularly.
  • You will get the help you need to break from any form of addiction while experiencing limited withdrawal symptoms.


The best way to get maximum help from any addiction problem is to have your needs in mind. If you have mental or medical health issues, you will need the best for that. For instance, an inpatient program is the best fit if you have struggled for years with your addiction without a reliable support network.

You can also look at the cost of treatment, as this varies from one Detox Program to another. Your program should have a high success rate, trained staff, and be licensed. You can ask them to send you a sample of their treatment plan.

Once you have recovered from alcohol addiction, it might be easy to relapse and resume the habit. You will need follow-up care for almost six months, even after recovery. However, you should use private therapy, group counseling, and 12-step programs.

If you or a loved one are seeking addiction services in Connecticut or the surrounding area, we are here to help. At Ascendant New York, we are a fully licensed medical facility dedicated to helping you or a loved one overcome alcohol addiction. Admissions are available 7 days a week. Contact us today to learn more about our treatment programs and detox process.

Was this article helpful? Follow our blog for more information about addiction, substance use, and how to get help. Recent posts include topics such as opiate withdrawal and remedies to drug addiction. 

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Amanda Stevens


Amanda Stevens, B.S.

Amanda is a prolific medical content writer specializing in eating disorders and addiction treatment. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from Purdue University with a B.S. in Social Work. Read more

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  1. SMART Recovery. Family & Friends CAN Help a Heavy Drinker. SMART Recovery. Published August 27, 2019. Accessed August 31, 2022.
  2. Tietz G, Khan G. Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms: What You Need to Know. WebMD. Accessed August 31, 2022.