Ascendant collaborates with referents and outside providers in what we call an “open system.”

Ascendant collaborates with referents and outside providers in what we call an “open system.”

Rather than the clinical relationship being put on hold during the time their patient is in treatment with us, we look at the referring professional as an additional arm of the treatment team.


Professional Referrals

Professional Referrals

We provide daily updates as to the progress of someone’s patient, are easily accessible on an as needed basis, and even encourage continued sessions virtually or in person during a patient’s treatment stay.

We have found that utilizing the clinical foundation a patient has with their team is indispensable in their treatment at a higher level of care.

In order to make a referral to Ascendant, you can give out the website, the direct phone line to admissions, or reach out to anyone you know who works with us!

We are always honored when colleagues think of us for their patients and are always happy to help in any way we can.